Stars in Global Health

Challenge Goal (Short Title)

The Stars in Global Health program supports Bold Ideas with Big Impact® from the best and brightest scientists and innovators, both in low- and middle-income countries and in Canada, to address some of the most pressing global health challenges. It provides funding to explore transformative ideas at proof-of-concept that bring together scientific/technical, social and business innovation.

The Problem

Intolerable inequities in health between high- and lower-income areas in the world persist, as highlighted in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Innovation will be crucial for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and yet, promising innovations are often limited in their ability to achieve scale and sustainability. The goal of Grand Challenges Canada’s Stars in Global Health program is to solve complex global health challenges – like those targeted in the Sustainable Development Goals – by supporting bold ideas with the potential for big impact, resulting in lives saved and/or improved in low- and middle-income countries.

Our Approach

The Stars in Global Health program supports Bold Ideas with Big Impact® from the best and brightest scientists and innovators, both in low- and middle-income countries and in Canada, to address some of the most pressing global health challenges. It provides funding to explore transformative ideas at proof-of-concept that apply Integrated Innovation® – the coordinated application of scientific/technological, social and business innovation – in order to sustainably bring solutions to scale. Innovators who complete a minimum of nine months of their Grand Challenges Canada grant, complete their proof-of-concept projects (including a final report) and have solutions that are ready to transition to scale are invited to submit a Transition To Scale Letter of Intent.

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