Replicating cStock in Kenya: Making Essential Health Commodities Available at the Community Level

cStock is a supply chain strengthening approach for community health programs. The approach uses a combination of simple mobile technology that support demand-based resupply procedures and connect community health workers (CHWs) to their resupply facility, user-friendly dashboards to allow better visibility, accountability and transparency and IMPACT teams to strengthen data use and local problem solving to supply chain challenges. After successfully implementing and scaling cStock in Malawi as a custom tool, this project has focused on integrating cStock workflows into DHIS2, an open source health information system, used in over 60 countries including many community health programs. cStock using DHIS2 has now been piloted in Kenya and is considered acceptable, feasible and effective by the Ministry of Health who would like to scale and adopt cStock as the supply chain tool for CHWs.

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Project Primary Sector
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