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On-Site, Fast and Low-Cost Diagnostics of Tuberculosis and HIV for Mothers and Newborns

We propose the use of a diagnostic technology for TB and HIV based in the use of a chimeric recombinant antibody obtained from a marine organism and modified by genetic engineering, which when added to a sample of blood from a patient infected by a certain disease will produce a visual reaction in the sample allowing the user to do a simple and fast screening of infected patients. This process does not require any kind of equipment and the user can use the test even without previous training. The use of this technology is aimed to be used at the point of care in communities without access to diagnostic labs where doctors or healthcare personnel will be able to perform these diagnostic tests to mothers and newborns for the control of Tuberculosis and HIV. This tool will improve the chances of both mother and child to be treated on time increasing their chances of recovering.

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Project Primary Sector
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