Combining a unique diagnostic platform for decentralized blood testing with a two-way communications network for data capture, and the training and supervision of community-level health workers (Kenya) Access to decentralized diagnostics can save millions of lives globally, yet the lack of supervision and training opportunities for overburdened nurses and community health workers in remote settings can negatively affect quality of testing and care provided.

Almost one in six people are HIV-positive in Njombe - a region with Tanzania's most uninformed population when it comes to the disease, according to surveys, and the country's highest rate of infection, now increasing among young adults. The area has no formal HIV education program and many children are orphans lacking parental guidance. This project will expand a pilot-tested, site-crafted, formally evaluated HIV/AIDS youth peer health educator program into primary schools in HIV-ravaged rural Tanzania, to empower youth in making healthy decisions.

Using low-cost cell phone technology can improve HIV/AIDS treatment outcomes in resource-limited settings. Our Grand Challenge is to develop this landmark research project into a broadly sustainable mHealth service using innovative business models. Follow WelTel on Twitter @WelTelAfrica"

Almost one in six people are HIV-positive in Njombe - a region with Tanzania's most uninformed population when it comes to the disease, according to surveys, and the country's highest rate of infection, now increasing among young adults. The area has no formal HIV education program and many children are orphans lacking parental guidance. This project will expand a pilot-tested, site-crafted, formally evaluated HIV/AIDS youth peer health educator program into primary schools in HIV-ravaged rural Tanzania, to empower youth in making healthy decisions.