Product/Service Development

PATH an international nonprofit organization and leader in global health innovation, and Sinapi biomedical, a South African medical device manufacturer, collaborated to design and develop the Ellavi UBT. This is the first and only low-cost, fully assembled UBT designed specifically for use in low-resource health facilities. The Ellavi UBT addresses cost, assembly, and safety of current UBT's, adding lifesaving technology in the hands of health care workers.

1.3 million affected Rohingya people have crossed into Bangladesh fleeing violence in Rakhine State. 316,000 of them are women of reproductive age (15-49). Among the 64,000 currently pregnant, >18% teenagers and 62% between 21-29 years. Among ever-pregnant, 42% have ≥4 and 18% have ≥3 children. Mean age at 1st marriage and 1st pregnancy is 16.8±2.2 and 18±2.4 years. Contraceptive prevalence rate 33.7%. Aim is to improve sexual and reproductive health and family planning knowledge and practices.

Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) is widespread in Zorzor District. Cases of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) are reported in homes, farms, and schools. Forced-marriages of girls is high; while reproductive health services are poor. Poverty is prevalent; no viable and sustainable economic productivity. The major hospital is not accessible to the general population due to distances and cost of drugs and services. Sexual and reproductive health complications are health hazard.

In Pakistan, 46% of pregnancies are unintended, the extremely low prevalence of modern contraceptive methods, which is only 26%. That contributes to population growth and endangering women's health. Access to modern contraceptives is very limited in poor areas. It is very difficult for male and female to buy contraceptives as considered as a social taboo and religiously unethical. Out of 9m of the potential users, 6m live in rural areas where there is a dire need of access to contraceptives.

The project aims to establish a sustainable system to promote proper, timely and accurate Jaundice treatment in Africa. We intend to increase availability and affordability of appropriate medical devices and their service through setting up a local manufacturing and maintenance unit in Ghana. In order assure the successful implementation we plan to pilot the locally produced Jaundice Kit in 20 urban and rural hospitals in West Africa, to gather evidence for further scaling up.

Pay-per-use public toilets is a social franchise business opportunity that drastically improves access to sanitation facilities in urban areas. It comprises a women's social enterprise, safe, secure and clean conditions for women and children, production of renewable energy from human waste and positive effects on health and environment. Women will operate toilets and also earn income from biogas sales, sanitary and MHM products and contracts with other businesses.

Women and girls engaging in transactional sex (W/GETS) in Malawi, including female sex workers (FSWs), face stigma and social exclusion that result in human and civil rights violations and poor access to social services, with implications for SRH, economic security and individual realization. Legal issues of sexual assault including intimate partner violence (IPV), and disclosure and harassment by authorities, intersect with high rates of HIV, STIs, unwanted pregnancy, and mental illness.

Niger has the highest rate of adolescent childbearing in the world, leading to greatly elevated risks for mother and child. Postpartum family planning (PPFP) could avert 30% of maternal deaths and 10% of child deaths. However, FP counseling is often omitted in antenatal care (ANC) and attendance in postnatal care (PNC) is uneven, both missed opportunities to promote PPFP. Group ANC and PNC, aligned with postpartum and well baby visits could make PPFP convenient and appealing to younger women.