Product/Service Development

Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. The risk of death is ~300-fold higher in LMIC where the disease is less likely recognized early enough for transfer to facilities adequately equipped for treatment. The recurring barrier has been the lack of preeclampsia-specific diagnostic tests practically suitable for LMIC. Our proposal is for in scale-up and in country implementation of the Congo Red Test, a novel diagnostic test for preeclampsia based on urine congophilia.

The Assist Intentional innovation packages together several novel solutions to solve a multi-faced problem of barriers to oxygen. The core elements include installation of local oxygen production plants to enable access to affordable and reliable oxygen.

In India, young rural women face socio-economic, systemic barriers, impeding access to basic sexual and reproductive health services. Sub-optimal healthcare leads to poor management of menstruation irregularities, unplanned pregnancies, untreated common infections, with serious reproductive sequelae. Quality primary health interventions are non-existent; a personalized, accessible, data-driven, women centric strategy for sexual and reproductive wellness and clinical care is urgently needed.

Fonkoze, Haiti’s largest microfinance institution, provides the rural poor with integrated financial, human development and social protection services. Fonkoze’s Microfinance-based Community Health Worker Program pioneers a sustainable business model to train microfinance clients to incorporate the distribution of life-saving health goods into their businesses, leveraging mobile technology for supply chain management.

Newborns are unable to regulate their body temperature often leading to hypothermia, a condition affecting up to 85% of newborns globally and approximately 4-12 million Indian newborns yearly. The BEMPU Hypothermia Alert Device is a newborn temperature-monitoring wristband that alerts caregivers if their newborn is hypothermic enabling intervention well before complications or death can occur.

Working in close collaboration with the Zambian government and local partners, Gradian will install its Universal Anaesthesia Machine (UAM) - the world's only CE-certified anesthetic device designed to work without electricity and medical oxygen - in 33 operating theaters. Gradian's partners will administer two capacity building courses: one for anesthesia providers (focused on obstetrics and pediatrics) and one for biomedical technicians (focused on maintaining the UAM and related equipment).

Poor and inadequate childcare in informal urban settlements is a challenge that is faced in cities worldwide. inadequate childcare holds back children from realizing their lifetime potential, keeping them on the back foot for life. The impacts of poor childcare reverberates on multiple levels – developmental, economic and health. In Africa, which is poised to have 1 billion children below 5 by the year 2050, the detrimental impact of poor childcare in dragging the continent’s future prospects cannot be underestimated.