CheckUps Mobile Diagnostic Unit Launched to Serve Low-Wage Workers in Kenya and South Sudan

Early detection and treatment of asymptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI), a major risk factor for pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes, that are leading causes of maternal mortality, remains a gap in informal settlements and rural areas where maternal mortality is elevated. Our technology-enabled rapid-diagnostic outpatient facilities, called Hubs, enhance early detection UTI in 3 rural communities and one informal settlement in Kenya. The hubs currently serve the elderly with non-communicable disease and 15 target common outpatient conditions and need more volume to breakeven. By adding reproductive and maternal child health services and partnering with churches to more effectively reach women, we seek to improve the demand for Hubs services and thus sustain the hubs, so UTI testing in the community can be ongoing. Our goal is to achieve sustainability within 3-6 months of adding UTI services in the existing hubs and then scale to 10 hubs within 18 months. This will impact 24,000 pregnancies and save an estimated 1,680 lives, and build a 100-person social asset in churches to support women with UTI to seek care in a timely manner.

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