Product/Service Development

Dengue fever, a rapidly spreading viral infection from mosquitoes that live in tropical and subtropical areas, in Peru is rising as a result of extreme weather events associated with climate change. While the majority of patients are minimally symptomatic, critical illness is possible with untreated hemorrhagic shock and death occurring in approximately 50% of untreated critical dengue patients. Point-of-Care ultrasound (POCUS) is an essential mobile health tool due to its portability, affordability and utility.

Climate change heavily affects the water cycle through increasing frequency, severity of floods and droughts and increasing rainfall variability. Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria that causes cholera, is not only a threat during floods, but also thrives during periods with little rain and hot temperatures. Transferred via person-to-person contact, contaminated water and food. During times of low precipitation and high temperatures, the concentration of the bacteria in the water increases, making the disease more dangerous.

Kenya is experiencing triple burden of malnutrition characterized by undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and diet-related non-communicable diseases. These are compounded by high poverty, drought and frequent famine especially in pastoral communities. Mushrooms and green leafy vegetables are nutrient-rich easy-to-grow and rich in proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

In Pakistan, about 60% of urban and 40% to 100% of rural water sources are unfit for consumption. Studies have reported high contamination of water samples with total coliforms and E. coli. This results in about 100 million diarrheal cases, and 2.5 million deaths due to endemic diarrheal disease annually. The situation gets worse in disasters which often leave thousands of affected people, especially women and children in need of water and sanitation support.

Les récipients en plastique utilisés par les populations rurales au Maroc et en Afrique subsaharienne pour la collecte, le transport et le stockage de l’eau à boire sont souvent impliqués dans la contamination de l’eau collectée à cause de biofilms microbiens formés sur les parois internes de ces récipients. Ces biofilms forment une multicouche poly-microbienne de micro-organismes pathogènes.

Our focus will be on actions to face the impacts of climate change on mental and psychological health through emotional education based on Neurolinguistic Programming - NLP techniques. Assuming that the first scale of impacts is limited to the physical dimension, this is where mental health plays an important role in maintaining emotional control in order to generate clarity of thoughts and strategies for coping with the situation.

Depression is common among older Nigerians. The disorder is associated with chronicity, disability and elevated risk of suicidality. Social, economic and occupational factors are associated with onset of these conditions in the population. In our nationally representative study of older Nigerians (ISA), depression incidence in subsistent farmers was 1.5 times higher than in the rest of the cohort (17.7% vs 12.1%). ISA participants living in rural Nigeria, with predominance of farming communities, had 1.3 and 2.5 times the risk of depression and suicidality.

Ocean and river water quality in Nosara is suffering due to increasing development and inadequate residential and commercial wastewater treatment. In 2019, WCA started weekly water quality monitoring for bacterial indicators at 3 local sites. Some sites failed to pass water quality standards most of the year, meanwhile WCA was recording more illnesses related to water contact recreation at beaches and in the river. The community was also experiencing increasing toxic algal bloom events and high nutrient loads which, due to work done by WCA, have been traced directly to local sources (i.e.

La Bilharziose, une maladie portée par des parasites dans l'eau stagnante, représente le 2ème problème de santé publique au Tchad après le paludisme. Une étude de 2015 a montré une prévalence de 25% dans la zone de Torrock, une région avec beaucoup d'eaux stagnantes. Dans les zones reculées, il existe des centres de santé mais dépourvus de personnel qualifié et le seul laboratoire se trouve à l'hôpital de district situé loin des zones rurales.