Using Platforms to Improve Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health Outcomes in India

The innovation that Triggerise India will use to improve sexual, reproductive, and maternal health outcomes among adolescent girls and young women ages 15-24 in India is a motivation platform. Our platform includes two types of infrastructure: technology (people use websites, apps, SMS, and membership cards to engage with our platform) and partners (Triggerise India links service providers, mobilizers, content creators, retailers, and product distributors to provide key offerings). We will use our platform to link women from awareness, to enrollment and service uptake, and to nudge behavior. For example, we may remind women to refill oral contraceptive prescriptions, reward pregnant women who attend antenatal consultations, or provide new mothers with postnatal family planning information. Women and girls will generate data by digitally engaging with our platform, and we will use this data to optimize. After successfully piloting this platform, Triggerise India is prepared to transition to scale. Supplemental COVID-19 funding will support development of a COVID-19 module for the mobile application used by Triggerise mobilizers / micro-entrepreneurs. The app will be designed for community-based surveillance and real-time monitoring of COVID-19, leveraging Triggerise’s network to strengthen government, NGO and private sector pandemic response capabilities with hyper-local COVID-19 data.

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