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Monitoring Child Development Indicators in Vaccination Campaigns: A Tool for Planning and Evaluating Intersectoral Actions

Sonia Isoyama Venancio from the Instituto de Saúde in Brazil will implement a program for monitoring the development of children less than five years of age during vaccination campaigns in the municipalities, to help identify risk factors, raise awareness, and support healthy development. They will design and pilot test a questionnaire that can be easily applied during a vaccination procedure to carefully query the health and behavior of the child, as well as their family environment and access to health services and education. To promote implementation of the program, they will recruit and train interviewers, and partner with Universities to recruit health-care students for collecting the data and entering them into a custom built web application. They will validate their approach for identifying children with developmental problems, and analyze the data for potential causes such as socioeconomic conditions and quality of health care.

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Project Primary Sector
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